We are happy to answer any additional questions Tatyana Kazimirko +38 096 898 95 30 and Anna Orel +38 097 042 11 94

Medical Business Forum 2024
Cases | Strategies | Solutions
How clinics were opened in practice in Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, France, Dubai and Ukraine
online conference
International educational project for doctors, managers and clinic owners

Liya Smekun
Founder of the Medical Business Forum, author of the course “Personal Brand of a Doctor and Clinic Manager”, author of the “Medicine as a Business” channel, marketer
Hamburg, Germany
Warm opening words. Many kind words. Maybe even tears of joy. A couple of organizational issues and the start of the conference.

Veronica Tsekhmistrenko
Врач-стоматолог, владелица стоматологической клиники.
Мюнхен, Германия
Topic: “Medical business in Germany: the country’s healthcare system, confirmation of a doctor’s diploma in Germany, opening a dental clinic in Munich, attracting personnel from abroad to work in a clinic in Germany”

Nikolay Belimenko
Owner of a network of phlebological centers
Gdansk, Poland
Topic: “From scratch to the first patient: Opening a clinic in Poland - problems, solutions, a real case of a clinic, which in 1.5 years is among the TOP-3 clinics.”

Inna Baye
Business consultant. Specialist in opening and running a business in France.
Paris, France
Topic: “Medicine in France: healthcare system in France: private and public medicine, cost of services, health insurance, features of opening medical institutions with real examples, work of medical workers, work opportunities for foreign medical workers in France.”

Denis Tatarkin
Co-owner and manager of the TOP Clinic DENIS Kiev, Ukraine
Topic: “How to open a clinic during the war”

Natalia Radchenko
Совладелец консалтинговой группы Legal House Group Юридический и налоговый консультант
Варшава, Польша
Topic: “How to open a medical business in Poland: practical advice from a lawyer”

Maria Denaeva
Partner at Qore Advisory, business relocation specialist, tax consultant
Dubai, UAE
Topic: “How to open a medical facility in Dubai: from idea to personnel adaptation”

Mikhail Zakharchenko
ML engineer, CEO of Dandex company
Kyiv, Ukraine
Topic: "Artificial intelligence in medicine: why now is the ideal time"

Sergey Antonov
VERDYS Consulting sro, director
Expert in organizing and supporting medical businesses, LL.M (UNSW Australia), PhD, quality and service auditor
Prague, Czech Republic
Topic: "Medical and dental business in the Czech Republic: organizational and legal aspects"

Константин Буяло
Senior Partner & CEO in Officium.law
Advocate. Senior Partner of JSC Officium
International lawyer in the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Poland. Mediator of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Munich and Upper Bavaria Mediator and Arbitrator of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO from Arbitration and Mediation.
Bratislava, Slovakia
Topic: "Medical business in Slovakia"
How the healthcare system works in different countries
How the clinic is licensed
What does the path to confirm a doctor's diploma look like?
Questions from personnel at different levels in clinics in different countries
How medical institutions were opened in Germany, France, Poland, Dubai and Ukraine
What mistakes can be avoided when opening clinics in other countries?
Process automation and artificial intelligence making it easier to work with patients
Owner of a clinic and want to develop your business, including in other countries
The clinic manager and you are looking for new ideas and opportunities for the company you manage
A doctor dreams of opening his own medical practice, clinic.
Entrepreneur and considering medicine as a possible area for your future business interests
In search of new ideas, markets, directions for developing your career and business
If you don’t know Medical Business Forum yet, be sure to read the reviews of participants and speakers of our events
Where will the Medical Business Forum be held?
Date: April 12, 2024 (Friday)
Location: online
access to recordings of the Medical Business Forum online conference
4,990UAH- Recording MBF 2024
12,600UAH- Recording MBF 2024
- 22 Taxes Lectures
120 Є - 1 access to the recording of Medical Business Forum 2024
300 Є - 1 access to the recording of Medical Business Forum 2024 + Tax lecture: recording of 22 lectures from 20 top tax consultants in the EU countries + Dubai and double taxation for Ukrainians
Sales department: Tatyana Kazimirko +38 096 898 95 30 / +38 099 506 34 51
Organizational matters: Liya Smekun, +49 15 904096203 , smekun@gmail.com
Work with partners and sponsors: Anna Orel +38 097 042 11 94